Wednesday 24 August 2011

Velma's looking Pretty!

So what has the ast week had in store for our Velma???  Well unfortunately not much movement on the electrical front, temp gauge not fixed, blowers not fixed and radio not fixed.  Also the clock that did work now doesn't work! One step forward ........ and all that! *tuts*  The man of the house is systematically working through these problems by taking the man approach.  Yes that's right taking the whole dash etc. completely apart.  I am assuming the next step is to put it all back together and discard the left over pieces that will no doubt remain.  I think I'll come back to this in a future post when hopefully things will be moved on a bit.

We have now purchased a fold up buddy seat to give us the sixth seat required ..(remember we removed 3 of the original 8).  The seat is from an old T2 so in fact is older than Velma but with a bit of "tarting" and repair job it should do the job just fine.  It's not installed yet but here it is....
originally as bought
After a frame respray and a clean up
The most exciting change this week is putting the decals on the bodywork - it took bloody ages to create the symmetry but we are so pleased with the results, she looks smig!!!!

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